Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What is Spiritual Sound Vibration?

If you said "water water " would you taste water and would it quench your thirst? If you said "banana banana " would you taste banana?
No I don't think so. This is the difference between mundane material words and spiritual sound vibrations. Spiritual sound actually feeds the soul spiritual food and quenches our spiritual thirst.
Spiritual sounds are beautiful, heartfelt singing of sacred mantras or many Names of the One Supreme Person God.  Many times this devotional chanting will be accompanied by musical instruments like harmonium, guitar and drums. Kirtan is usually practiced as a call and response interactive meditation with one person leading  and then everyone responding as a group. Participation in Kirtan focuses the mind very easily and naturally on the beautiful spiritual sound vibrations, which have the effect reawakening one’s spiritual consciousness and heart connection with the Supreme and their individual truest nature. Kirtan lifts the spirit and brings joy to the heart.
 The great scholar and honored teacher of Bhakti yoga (loving devotion to God) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in India around 500 hundred years ago (1486–1534) and dedicated His life to teaching by example through continual chanting of the sacred sounds vibrations of The Holy Names of The Supreme Person. These mantra's or Names of God that are sung and chanted are spiritual sound vibrations and have the ability to bring about self realization or enlightenment. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu best describes this in His 8 famous verses known as Siksastakam a simple extraction from just one of these verses composed is as follows “The Holy Names of God are the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon, it increases the ocean of transcendental bliss and enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious.”

We invite you to reawaken your spiritual consciousness and be transported to a place of peace and harmony join us for Sacred Kirtan on Sundays 6pm on the island of Kauai Hawaii and dive into this beautiful devotional Bhakti Yoga practice .The heart and soul of the evening is the joyous, enlivening chanting creating a unique spiritual journey.

find out more

Looking For Love?

What is life without love? Google “love” and you’ll get over a billion hits. Countless books, movies, and songs about love have been written and performed. The internet abounds with dating, matchmaking and social networking sites. It’s safe to say that we are all looking for love. How is it that the human spirit can survive incredible physical and mental hardships while sustained by love- yet we quickly wither and die of a broken heart?
Why are we looking for love? It is because of the nature of spiritual energy. Yoga teaches that we are not our physical bodies or mind, that each of us is spirit in essence.
The living being is a spark of the Supreme Spirit, and as such, a spark of love. The essence of spirit is love. A living being is not just “life” but a spark of pure love. Just as the very essence and nature of water is wetness, the very essence and nature of the living entity is to love and be loved in return. Being sparks of love, the living being wants and needs love. In fact, the living being craves and survives on love.
The trouble for the soul begins when we look for love in all the wrong places. We are all looking for that perfect person to love, to take protection from and to cure us of our inner loneliness. We may go from one person to the next looking for that perfect person, but they always fall short and we end up
disappointed time after time, experiencing “something is missing." Why is that?
We are a spark of the Supreme Ocean of Love and long for a degree of love that can only be found in the Supreme perfect person, no other individual can satisfy our complete need to love and be loved. We should not expect that anyone else can truly and fully satisfy us.
The Supreme Person is the perfection of love. The Supreme Spirit is the Supreme Love, Beloved and Lover Whose very essence is Love. The very sound of His Names are the sound manifestation of Love.
The Supreme Person is the reservoir of love and therefore the reservoir of pleasure for the living being. Our natural condition is to again experience the perfection of love by being united in a harmonious relationship with that supreme perfect loving and lovable friend. When we speak about the relationship between the soul and the Supreme Soul, we are speaking of love with all the characteristics that come with love; it is a love full of action and reciprocation. It is the world of Spiritual Love.
If you would like to inquire further regarding the spiritual teaching of yoga and how you can personally develop such spiritual love in your own life we warmly invite you to attend our Sunday Spiritual Gathering.
In future issues we continue this theme of looking for love and explore how we can spiritualize our relationships with others.

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Pure love for God ॐ is eternally established in the hearts of the living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing & chanting, this love naturally awakens.

~ Lord Chaitanya to Sanatana Gosvami

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Spirit Soul

                                  The soul lights up the body with consciousness
The soul was never born.  It will never die.  It never grows.  It never decays.  The soul is the witness, observing the changes time forces on changeable things.  The soul is consciousness, existing always and in every situation.  Thus the soul is spiritual and conscious.  As a lamp or other luminous object lights up a certain place, so the soul lights up the body with consciousness.  [Srila Jiva Gosvami]

One should offer respect to every living entity 
SB 7.7.32: One should always remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His localized representation as the Paramātmā, who is situated in the core of every living entity's heart. (along side the soul) Thus one should offer respect to every living entity according to that living entity's position or manifestation.
Paramatma Super Soul

 Love the Lord your God with all your heart

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Matthew 22:37-39
New King James Version
Jesus in Meditation
CC Ādi 4.205: "Just as the celestial waters of the Ganges flow unobstructed into the ocean, so when My devotees simply hear of Me, their minds come to Me, who reside in the hearts of all.

One must find the soul by analysis
SB 7.7.22: The Lord's eight separated material energies, the three modes of material nature and the sixteen transformations [the eleven senses and the five gross material elements like earth and water] — within all these, the one spiritual soul exists as the observer. Therefore all the great ācāryas have concluded that the individual soul is conditioned by these material elements.
SB 7.7.23: There are two kinds of bodies for every individual soul — a gross body made of five gross elements and a subtle body made of three subtle elements. Within these bodies, however, is the spirit soul. One must find the soul by analysis, saying, "This is not it. This is not it." Thus one must separate spirit from matter.
SB 7.7.24: Sober and expert persons should search for the spirit soul with minds purified through analytical study in terms of the soul's connection with and distinction from all things that undergo creation, maintenance and destruction.

Transmigration of the soul

SB 7.7.18: Just as the fruits and flowers of a tree in due course of time undergo six changes — birth, existence, growth, transformation, dwindling and then death — the material body, which is obtained by the spirit soul under different circumstances, undergoes similar changes. However, there are no such changes for the spirit soul.

SB 7.7.19-20: "Ātmā" refers to the Supreme Lord or the living entities. Both of them are spiritual, free from birth and death, free from deterioration and free from material contamination. They are individual, they are the knowers of the external body, and they are the foundation or shelter of everything. They are free from material change, they are self-illuminated, they are the cause of all causes, and they are all-pervading. They have nothing to do with the material body, and therefore they are always uncovered. With these transcendental qualities, one who is actually learned must give up the illusory conception of life, in which one thinks, "I am this material body, and everything in relationship with this body is mine."

The Supreme Lord is the dearmost object of all living entities


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is the soul and the Supersoul of all living entities. Every living entity is a manifestation of His energy in terms of the living soul and the material body. Therefore the Lord is the most dear, and He is the supreme controller.
Supreme Personality of Godhead


The Supreme Personality of Godhead is manifested by His different energies—the material energy, the spiritual energy and the marginal energy. He is the original source of all living entities in the material world, and He is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. Although the living entity is the cause of his various types of bodies, the body is given by material nature according to the order of the Lord.  "The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy." (BG 18.61) The body is just like a machine, a car, in which the living entity is given a chance to sit and move according to his desire. The Lord is the original cause of the material body and the soul, which is expanded by His marginal energy. The Supreme Lord is the dearmost object of all living entities.

Meditation Chant Yoga Sound Kirtan

Mantra Meditation class
To discover more about your real identity as spirit soul we invite you to email us at or attend one of our weekly spiritual gatherings which are currently located in Hanalei and Anahola we hold weekly Kirtan and mantra meditation programs in Kauai and throughout the Hawaii islands and invite you to attend one of these Kauai meditation programs for more information .