Sunday, February 20, 2011

Looking for Love?

What is life without love? Google “love” and you’ll get over a billion hits. Countless books, movies, and songs about love have been written and performed. The internet abounds with dating, matchmaking and social networking sites. It’s safe to say that we are all looking for love. How is it that the human spirit can survive incredible physical and mental hardships while sustained by love- yet we quickly wither and die of a broken heart?

Why are we looking for love? It is because of the nature of spiritual energy. Yoga teaches that we are not our physical bodies or mind, that each of us is spirit in essence.
The living being is a spark of the Supreme Spirit, and as such, a spark of love. The essence of spirit is love. A living being is not just “life” but a spark of pure love. Just as the very essence and nature of water is wetness, the very essence and nature of the living entity is to love and be loved in return. Being sparks of love, the living being wants and needs love. In fact, the living being craves and survives on love.
The trouble for the soul begins when we look for love in all the wrong places. We are all looking for that perfect person to love, to take protection from and to cure us of our inner loneliness. We may go from one person to the next looking for that perfect person, but they always fall short and we end up
disappointed time after time, experiencing “something is missing." Why is that?
We are a spark of the Supreme Ocean of Love and long for a degree of love that can only be found in the Supreme perfect person, no other individual can satisfy our complete need to love and be loved. We should not expect that anyone else can truly and fully satisfy us.
The Supreme Person is the perfection of love. The Supreme Spirit is the Supreme Love, Beloved and Lover Whose very essence is Love. The very sound of His Names are the sound manifestation of Love.
The Supreme Person is the reservoir of love and therefore the reservoir of pleasure for the living being. Our natural condition is to again experience the perfection of love by being united in a harmonious relationship with that supreme perfect loving and lovable friend. When we speak about the relationship between the soul and the Supreme Soul, we are speaking of love with all the characteristics that come with love; it is a love full of action and reciprocation. It is the world of Spiritual Love.
If you would like to inquire further regarding the spiritual teaching of yoga and how you can personally develop such spiritual love in your own life we warmly invite you to attend our Sunday Spiritual Gathering.
In future issues we continue this theme of looking for love and explore how we can spiritualize our relationships with others.

Pure love for God ॐ is eternally established in the hearts of the living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing & chanting, this love naturally awakens.

~ Lord Chaitanya to Sanatana Gosvami

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Making Mantra a Part of Your Life

Japa Mala Meditation is a wonderful way to start your day.
Want a New Years resolution that will make a difference in your life?
Whether you are a student, a CEO, a realtor, or a busy parent, meditation will help you to deal with life's challenges in a positive way. Meditation can lower your levels of stress and therefore have a positive effect on your body and mind.
The benefits of meditation however, go much deeper than relieving stress. Through the practice of meditation a person can overcome anxiety and depression and experience an actual inner spiritual fulfillment or happiness. The secret to gaining the benefits is to practice it regularly. By starting your day with 15 minutes of meditation, you will find that your whole day flows more smoothly.
The timeless art of mantra meditation has been practiced by saints and sages since ancient times to bring about the joyful state of self-realization. In this consciousness a person is free from temporary worries, anxieties and concerns and is immersed in a higher spiritual happiness and inner peacefulness.

New Weekly Meditation Group

We invite you to join us at our home on Thursday nights for an intimate evening of Kirtan meditation (call & response chanting). We will come together through "mantra" and focus on the higher purposes of life, gain spiritual knowledge and understanding through Yogic ancient texts and develop friendships while we water our inner seed of devotion and cultivate our personal spiritual gardens. This small group gathering enables us to dive deeper into the ancient practice of meditation, and re-connect with the Supreme Soul.
Group Kirtan Mantra Meditation

As this is an in-house spiritual gathering held at our home in Anahola Kauai Hawaii please contact us for directions and to RSVP

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