Friday, August 6, 2010

What is a Mantra?

The term is a Sanskrit word originally coming from the word "mantram" that combines the root "manas" (mind) with "tram" (Protection) Researching the Vedic texts we find that the word mantra is further explained as: to draw away the mind from the material world.

The Chanting of Mantras or rather "Spiritual sound vibrations" is the most effective way to draw the mind away from the material and re-awaken our inner dormant Spiritual energy, bringing further clarity and awareness of our true Spiritual form and real identity.
In the strictest sense, a mantra is a pure sound vibration that delivers the mind from its material inclinations and illusion. Chanting is the process of repeating a mantra. This act of chanting mantras is Mantra Meditation.

The best times to meditate and practice Mantra Meditation alone is the early morning before you start your day. However the congregational chanting and singing of mantras as group Kirtan is the most powerful form of Mantra Meditation, and highly recommended path of Meditation for this day and age.
-If you are currently living in Kauai or moving to Hawaii we invite you to come and share in this uplifting Mantra Meditation experience, we welcome you to share in our Mantra Meditation evening located on the North Shore of Kauai at the Hanalei Community Center, for more details please contact us

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